For the fourth year in a row, I’m participating in the 100 Days of Ukulele (formerly 100 Days of Ukulele Songs) offshoot of #the100DayProject. This year, it is starting (has started) on Jan. 31, 2021. If you're playing along on Facebook, YT, IG (etc.), you can use the hashtag #100DaysUke2021 to share and find others' posts.
Unlike in past years, during this round of hundred, I will not be posting a full song every day. I’ve already posted more than 700 originals and covers to YouTube, and it’s time for me to focus more deeply on technique. This year, only my full length videos will be available on YT. Practice clips will be on IG and FB.
What are some of my goals for these 100 days? Well, I hope to create my first Playthrough and Tutorial videos, to test those waters, and to continue to post at least one original song every 25 days. I plan to keep pushing myself to spend more time on practicing and less time on making the video of the practice. The point is not perfection; the point is to continue the daily habit of my creative work.
For 2021, I have broken my 100 Days up into 10 day areas of focus.
Days 1-10: Finger exercises, clawhammer and banjo rolls
Day 1 - new original song
Days 11-20: Scales and Playing by Ear
Days 21-30: Chord Inversions
Day 25 - new original song
Days 31-40: Fingerstyle instrumental pieces
Days 41-50: Create my first YT Playalong
Days 51-60: Jazz Substitutions and Techniques
Days 61-70: Strumming and Percussive Techniques Update: see these videos collected here!
Days 71-80: Fingerpicking Patterns and Arpeggios
Day 75 - new original song)
Days 81-90: Arranging Songs
Days 91-100: Create my First YT Tutorial
Day 100 - new original song
Here are some links!
2021 Project Playlist:
2020 Project Playlist:
2019 Project Playlist:
2018 Project Playlist:
Originals Playlist:
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